Blog,  Monday Moments

Will, Knowledge, Feeling

Will is the root, knowledge is the stem and leaves, and feeling is the flower.


Such an interesting analogy – will, knowledge and feelings – likened to roots, stems/leaves and flowers.

Will is the Roots

Roots are the initial starting point of a plant. They provide a plant with stability. Roots are the plant’s anchor.

Will is a fixed and persistent intent. It is the power of choosing one’s own actions. Will is determination.

Similar to a root, will is our initial starting point. Will is our anchor, providing us with a strong and fixed purpose. As with a plant’s roots, will gives us the ability to survive and thrive.

Knowledge is the stem and leaves.

Stems provide the plant with strength and support. They raise the plant’s flowers and leaves to bring them closer to the sun where they can capture the sun’s energy.

Knowledge is our familiarity, awareness and understanding of facts, truths and principles that we have gained through learning and experience.

Knowledge, like a stem, provides us with a definite framework and structure. Knowledge and stems provide us with needed support.

Feeling is the flower.

Flowers are attractive, bright, colorful, beautiful, showy, and fragrant.

Feelings are experienced emotions, such as joy or sorrow.

As flowers attract the birds and bees, they invoke our feelings through their beauty and fragrance.

Will is our anchor, knowledge is our support, feeling is our ability to feel emotion through beauty.

Will is the root, knowledge is the stem and leaves, and feeling is the flower.

Wishing you a great week!

2020 Week #28