
Finding Hope – Part 1

How does one go about finding hope?

1. Trusting Yourself

Trusting in hope is believing in yourself.  It is knowing and recognizing that you have the power to make things better.  Believe that there is a positive outcome ahead.  Know that you have the power to trust in hope and trust there is change ahead.  

Trust that everything happening right now is happening for a reason.  Trust that something good will come of it.  Our hidden strengths emerge as we trust in hope.

2. Listening to Your Intuition

Hopeful intuition is listening to that little voice inside of you, the one that knows you and guides you, your gut instinct.  Sometimes you will know what to do.  Other times you will have just a feeling.  Allow yourself to react to that feeling.  Intuition can turn your hopelessness into hopefulness.  

3. Letting Go

As Queen Elsa sings – “LET IT GO”.  Let go of your fears.  Let go of your sadness.  Let go of your anxiety.  Let go of anything and everything that is holding you back.  When you “let it go” you have created space to let hope in.  

4. Creating Action

Hope from action entails making a decision to find a way to move out of darkness towards a place of hope.  It is taking the needed steps, whatever it takes, to move towards the opportunities that will get you to your place of hope.  

Action could involve 

  • Finding sayings about hope that speak to you and the positing those quotes on the bathroom mirror, on the refrigerator, around your house, in your car, at your work desk.
  • Reminding yourself that you have overcome obstacles before, that you kept going and your found success.  
  • Reminding yourself of your past successes by writing a list of all the past wins in your life – the big and the small.  
  • Taking small steps by finding simple tasks that you can do today to move you towards what you are hoping for.  
  • Forcing negative images out of your mind and imagining what hope looks like.   

5. Willingness to Make Change

Seek hope by allowing change.   Set realistic goals and believe in yourself.  Work towards achieving your goals of hopefulness.  Work towards your goals trusting that things are going to change and improve as you move forward.  To reach those goals though you must have the ability to be flexible and adaptable along the way.  

It has been said that the only constant thing in this world is change.  Hope for your goals, believe in yourself, put in consistent effort, and keep moving.  It may not be easy but being hopeful is about persisting and being motivated to achieve your dreams.  

To be continued…..