Benefits of Hope
We all benefit from having hope.
Mental Health
Having hope reduces stress. Having hope reduces anxiety. Having hope makes us happy. Hopeful people laugh and smile more.
Holding on to hope helps us wake up feeling positive. Holding on to hope helps with controlling our emotions. Holding on to hope helps us cope.
Physical Health
Hope improves our overall health. Hope strengthens our immune system. Hope reduces joint pain. Hope improves our daily habits. We eat better, we exercise more regularly, we make better choices.

Positive Outlook for the Future
Hope is the basis for positive change. Hope is the belief that the outlook for our future is positive. Hope is necessary for getting us through tough times.
Hope is the belief that things can be better. Hope allows us to have positive thoughts about the future. Hope is taking the action needed to make the changes happen – to set goals, to find resources, to work hard, to accept setbacks, to wait patiently, to not give up.
Hope motivates us to take those positive actions. Those positive actions then lead to positive results. Those positive results then lead to life success.

Good for You
Hope gives life meaning. Hope turns fear into courage and strength. Hope turns wanting to quit into endurance and patience. Hope turns doubt into confidence. Hope turns negativity into positivity. Hope turns turmoil into peace. Hope turns discouragement into motivation.
Hope is good for you. Hope makes you feel good. Hope gives life meaning. Hope helps you thrive. Hope can help you survive. Having hope is GOOD!