
Inspirations of the Week

When I contemplated starting a blog I had ideas upon ideas of topics of how to relate hope to the issues we face in life.  I thought I could research, decipher and create a great article.  But that type of writing can be quite sterile, can’t it?  And when it comes to offering qualified advice, I am by no means an educated expert.  I have no professional schooling or training.  I am not a psychologist or counselor or social worker.  

Information with the point-blank questions I was looking for was hard to find.  I could organize my findings, create an article and add pictures, but who really wants to read the same information a second or third time?  I often read the tips and suggestions on other sites, be it the push for journaling or reaching out to people or some other type of activity.  Sometimes I think –  sure, maybe I could give that a try.  Mostly though, I think – yeah right, not for me, no way. 

When I’m Internet searching I gravitate towards the inspirational, the make-you-feel-good reads, the put a smile on your face even for a brief moment sites.  

Hope is putting faith to work when doubting would be easier.

I have built the foundation with my previous posts – What is Hope, Why Hope is Important, Reasons to Have Hope, What Hope Does, and Finding Hope.  I did that because I think having a foundation is good but what I really, really like are the quotes of inspiration and the pictures attached to the quotes.  I like the feel-good touch, the maybe I’ll print it out and save, the that is the perfect saying for today’s mood moment.  

So now I am going to try a new path for my blog.  I am calling it Inspirations of the Week.  I am still all about flowers blooming hope, that part is not changing.  What I have decided to do is give each day a specified role.  My schedule for each week will be:

  • Sunday – Biblical Hope
  • Monday – Monday Moments – my own personal blog addition
  • Tuesday – Flower Quotes
  • Wednesday – Health Quotes
  • Thursday – Hope Quotes
  • Friday – Love of Family Quotes
  • Saturday – All-Things Inspirational Quotes.
If you never try something new, you never learn. If you never create, you never contribute. If you never hope, you never change.

When I am up in the middle of the night and pondering, I want to see something that makes me feel good.  That is what I want to do with my blog.  I want to offer you inspiration in many different forms, but all related in some way to hope and to flowers.  

I want to give you the “warm fuzzy” feeling to ponder over and a give you a pretty picture to look at.  I want to set a routine and offer consistency.  I may throw in some research type articles here and there (because information can be helpful), some ideas of personal activities maybe, some ramblings of my own gardening, crafting projects I have been working on; but my most important focus will be my pictures and quotes. 

I look forward to having you join me on the journey of Flowers Bloom Hope!

Flowers are like friends; They bring color to your world.

2020 Week #21