Dream Life
2021 Week #2
You Can Be A Flower
My favorite descriptive flower words:
beautiful, breathtaking, bright,
calming, captivating, cheerful, creative,
dainty, divine, dreamy,
enchanting, expressive, exquisite,
gentle, glamorous, glorious, gorgeous, graceful,
heavenly, hopeful,
magical, mesmerizing,
playful, pleasant,
radiant, regal, romantic, rosy,
sensational, sunny,
A couple reminders from flowers:
We are all different but we are all beautiful.
We can blossom through our HOPEs.
Fill your wonderful life path with beautiful flowers!
(If only our world could be more like flowers. Gentle and innocent, causing no harm to others. What a dream life that would be.)
2021 Week #2
Flowers and God
2021 Week #2
Hope and Power
2021 Week #1
Generation of Hope
2021 Week #1
Sunrise and Hope
2021 Week #1
Dreams and Beginnings
2021 Week #1
Flowers Bloom Hope
2021 Week #1
Sweet Hope
New Year – New Beginnings
Renewed HOPE – Sweet HOPE
The sweetness of HOPE tells us that we can overcome, we can heal, we can be restored, we can be inspired, we can conquer.
As we are welcoming in the New Year, allow sweet HOPE to fill you where you are broken. Allow yourself new dreams, new beginnings, a new start.
May your year be filled with plenty of sweet HOPE!
Happy 2021!
2021 Week #1
Gift of Hope
2021 Week #1