New Year Zeal
Winter Comfort
Happy New Year’s Day!
Happy New Year!
New Year’s Resolutions? I have the usual – eat better, exercise more, … But mine also include continuing to hold on to hope.
Seek it, believe in it, fight for it, hold on to it, be thankful for it, and even share it.
My resolution for my blog is to continue sharing inspiration through quotes in combination with flowers. My resolution is to also add a more personal touch with my “Monday Muse” – to offer advice, research, tidbits, ideas.
I live in a state of sadness, with depression and anxiety, often feeling hopeless and alone. I have searched the internet on sleepless nights googling where to find hope, how to be hopeful, what is hope.
I haven’t found much to alleviate the burdens. I’ve read so many, many articles, both scientific and not, but have never found anything to be concretely hopeful.
My blog isn’t scientific and maybe not concretely helpful to most. No matter though. My goal for Flowers Bloom Hope is to offer some much-needed positivity and inspiration during the difficult times. I want this to be a place of comfort – a place that offers reminders that there is still hope and we should continue to seek it.
Rainbows will come after the rains. The sun will shine through the clouds. Flowers will emerge from the darkness.
We can find hope even when all feels hopeless. Be brave. Be courageous. Be strong. And most importantly – believe!
P.S. You can also find my quotes and pictures on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!
January Flower – Carnation
Hope Smiles
Happy New Year’s Eve!
What a year!
Fears and worries. Stress and anxiety. New routines. Travel bans. Isolation and loneliness.
Illness and tests and medications. Progressing autoimmune disease and fatigue. Falls and strokes and rehab. Surgeries. ER visits and inconclusiveness. Anxiety and fears. CoVid positive and everything associated. Unexpected deaths and absolute heartache.
Family love and strengthening bonds. Family feuds and accusations and downright meanness, wanting to forgive but knowing the written words will never be forgotten. Daughters, nieces and nephews graduating and moving into adulthood. Proposals and engagements and excitement for the future. Guilt in moving and leaving loved ones.
Grasping for hope and desperate to keep it.
I started this blog in March as a way to share my desperate journey of finding hope, seeking inspiration, staying positive, in being grateful.
I found combining meaningful quotes with the beauty of flowers enhanced inspiration and positivity for me. If I could feel even a few brief moments of comfort, relief, happiness…I felt that this should be shared. Thus, Flower Bloom Hope came to fruition.
I was hoping to share weekly tidbits, ideas, research with my “Monday Muse” and I did okay for a while with that, but then life changed and rearranged and things stopped.
What didn’t stop though was my need to keep creating positivity through quotes and flowers. I’m hoping that some of them were able to help you through a tough time, gave you hope, was a blessing for your day, or gave you even a momentary smile.
Hope takes courage. Hope is being brave. Hope can be found in even the smallest of things. Hope keeps us going. Hope can help the anxious and the depressed.
Hope can turn the sad into a happy. Hope can turn a negative into a positive. Hope can turn a disbelief into a belief.
We have to believe in hope. We have to seek it and hold it tight.
Hope is enhanced through our gratitude, through the thankfulness of our blessings.
Hope can be found in a rainbow after a heard rain. Hope can be found in the first spring daffodil after a dark winter. Hope can be found in a singing bird, a happy hummingbird, a butterfly. Hope can be found in a song, a poem, a story. Hope can be found in a picture, a painting, a photograph. Hope can be found in a kind word, a smile, a hug.
I find hope through flowers. Even in the hardest of soil flowers will force their way through, growing and reaching towards the sun, budding and blooming in such an array of colors. I find hope knowing that even through the darkest of days the beauty of the flowers will return.
As this year comes an end, please don’t give up on hope. Keep seeking. Life can be so hard, but if we keep trying and watching for the beauty of that favorite flower, we will be rewarded with its beauty and through that an increase in our hope. Hope is out there and when it is rediscovered it will comfort us like the warmth of the sun and a tight hug!
2020 Week #53
Envelopes of Hope
2020 Week #53
Dream About the Flowers
2020 Week #53
Christmas In A Jar
2020 Week #53
Love Divine
2020 Week #53
Honor Christmas
2020 Week #52