Gardens and the Five Senses

Our five senses – sight, smell, sound, taste, touch.
In researching flowers that would invoke all five senses, I discovered one such plant that fits the criteria – LAVENDER.
Lavender has many benefits.
- It acts as a bug repellant.
- It helps with insomnia.
- It soothes the nervous system.
- It aids in skin conditions.
- It protects the immune system.
- It promotes circulation.
- It aids digestion.
- It is used for pain relief.
- It aids diabetes treatment.
- It promotes healthy hair.
There are many reasons to grow lavender.
- Sight – It is a beautiful perennial shrub. It is easy to grow. It is just a beautiful plant to look at.
- Smell – It has lovely scented foliage and flowers. Its scent is calming and relaxing. It can be used in bath and body products.
- Sound – Bees love it (and it also attracts butterflies).
- Taste – It is delicious in sweet and savory foods. It can be infused in honey and sugar. It can be made into jams and jellies. It can be added to tea and lemonade. It can be made into syrup.
- Touch – Is soft to the touch. It is great to use in craft products.
Lavender is often used in sensory gardens that stimulate the five senses. Lavender is also used in memory support gardens as residents can usually identify the plant and its aromatic scent.
My favorite quality of lavender is its ability to have positive effects on mood, stress anxiety, and depression. Its calming and soothing aroma can relax the nerves and provide relief from emotional stress. Lavender can provide a much-needed pick me up.
I have never grown lavender. After reading about its benefits I decided maybe I should give it a try. So I went out and bought four plants this past week!

I hear lavender is deer and rabbit resistant (I’m hoping that is true as the rabbits have eaten my hostas).

I’ll let you know how my lavender garden grows!