
Happy December!

The December flower is the Narcissus.

The Narcissus flower’s name is derived from Greek mythology.

Narcissus was a youth who knelt daily beside a lake to contemplate his own beauty. He was so fascinated by himself that, one morning, he fell into the lake and drowned. At the spot where he fell, a flower was born, which was called the Narcissus.

The Narcissus symbolizes

  • Faithfulness
  • Good Wishes
  • Modesty
  • Purity
  • Respect
  • Simplicity
  • Sweetness

The Narcissus is often confused with the daffodil, which is a type of Narcissus. Most Narcissus bloom as spring flowers. Several species of Narcissus, though, bloom in the winter such as the Paperwhite Narcissus.

Finding quotes regarding the Narcissus was very challenging. Two that I did find were very similar. One was written by Galen and the other was written by Nazr Mohammed.

He who has two cakes of bread, let him dispose of one of them for some flowers of the narcissus; for bread is the food of the body, and the narcissus is the food of the soul.
If one finds oneself with bread in both hands, that person should exchange one loaf for some flowers of the narcissus, because the loaf feeds the body, but the flowers feed the soul.

Wishing you a beautiful month of December!

For all my gardening friends – spring is closer today than it was in September. 😊

I heard a bird sing In the dark of December, A magical thing, And sweet to remember: "We are nearer to spring Than we were in September."
2020 Week #49