
Happy New Year’s Day!

We will open the book. Its pages are blank. We are going to put words on them ourselves. The book is called opportunity and its first chapter is New Year's Day."

Happy New Year!

New Year’s Resolutions? I have the usual – eat better, exercise more, … But mine also include continuing to hold on to hope. 

Seek it, believe in it, fight for it, hold on to it, be thankful for it, and even share it. 

My resolution for my blog is to continue sharing inspiration through quotes in combination with flowers. My resolution is to also add a more personal touch with my “Monday Muse” – to offer advice, research, tidbits, ideas.

I live in a state of sadness, with depression and anxiety, often feeling hopeless and alone. I have searched the internet on sleepless nights googling where to find hope, how to be hopeful, what is hope. 

I haven’t found much to alleviate the burdens. I’ve read so many, many articles, both scientific and not, but have never found anything to be concretely hopeful.

We can find a new hope in every new day and every New Year.

My blog isn’t scientific and maybe not concretely helpful to most. No matter though.  My goal for Flowers Bloom Hope is to offer some much-needed positivity and inspiration during the difficult times. I want this to be a place of comfort – a place that offers reminders that there is still hope and we should continue to seek it.

Rainbows will come after the rains. The sun will shine through the clouds. Flowers will emerge from the darkness. 

We can find hope even when all feels hopeless. Be brave. Be courageous. Be strong. And most importantly – believe!

You can get excited about the future. The past won't mind.

Where flowers bloom, so does hope.

P.S.  You can also find my quotes and pictures on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest!