Where I Find Hope – The Pansy
My second favorite flower is the pansy.

I love their thoughtful faces.
For me, pansies have always been forgiving flowers and easy to grow. I plant them as annuals and I find it fun that every year can be a different color combination. I loved when I could showcase them on my front porch rails. Today, though, I don’t have a front porch. I am going to have to come up with a creative way to plant them.
I have had summers of purple flowers. Purple is noted for royalty, nobility, and beauty. I have had summers of yellow flowers. Yellow portrays happiness, positive energy, and joy. I have had summers of a combination of yellow and orange flowers. Orange is noted for happiness, joy, and optimism. I have had summers of blue flowers. Blue denotes honesty and loyalty.

My favorite color choice would be the purple flowers, but I like the meaning behind the yellow and orange flowers the most. The yellow and orange flowers extend to us their positive energy. That flower’s felt positive energy increases our internal hope of optimism, happiness and joy.
I have read that King Arthur’s Knights of the Round Table would use pansies to foretell their future. The Knights would pluck a petal for secret signs. Four lines on a pansy petal to the Knights meant hope.
The pansy symbolizes thinking. The flower’s name is derived from the French word pensee, which means “thought”. The pansy was given this name because the flower resembles a human face. In late summer the pansy tends to fall forward as if it is deep in thought.

The pansy is telling us to have a positive mindset and to think before acting. The pansy also tells us that there is hope. Its little face whispers to each one of us that there is hope. We have the hope deep inside us for true happiness and joy.